Step By Step Guide to Diagnose Cow's Milk Allergy : Mini Course

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Follow this Mini Course : Step by step guide to diagnose Cow's Milk Protein Allergy and gain clarity over your baby's symptoms.

This Mini Course includes:

  1. A Step By Step Guide to Diagnose CMPA Booklet which you can download immediately after you purchase. This will be emailed to you.
  2. This will be followed up by 2 -3 emails or videos per week from me over the next 4 weeks guiding you on the journey. 
  3. Copy of my 'Feeding You Booklet: Dairy and soya free diet for breastfeeding Mum's.
  4. Guidance on how to approach your GP to ask for prescription dairy free formulas and which ones are best to try in the first instance.
  5. You will have the option to speak to me to get a personalise prescription letter for your GP to prescribe the special formula needed to complete this process (for an additional charge).


By the end of this 4 week process

You will be clear on whether your baby has Cow's Milk Allergy

You will have much more information on how to treat your baby with cow's milk allergy

You will be much better informed on how to approach your GP or health care professional moving forward by doing this stage you will be able to get referrals to a paediatric dietitian on the NHS and paediatrician referral (if applicable).


Who am I?

I am a Paediatric Dietitian with over 10 years experience specialising in this condition so I understand what you are going through. I also know that you have struggled to be heard which is why I developed this guide so that parents like you can you take control of your babies health.  

Once you purchase you will be emailed the pdf.  

After you purchase this guide you will be send a sequence of emails guiding you through the process over the next month.

A little Bit About Me

My name is Judith Lynn, I'm a UK registered Paediatric Dietitian. I worked for 16 years in the NHS, 10 of those specialising in Paediatrics specifically allergies in babies and children. For the last 4 years I have been working in private practice and 1 year ago I set up 'Little Monkey Nutrition' to focus on helping parents get accurate evidenced based advice about their baby who is unsettled and ensuring the appropriate diagnosis for Cow's Milk Allergy. 



£20.00 GBP

ADD ON - An online appointment and get 20% off the appointment (£96 normally £120).